Bloodyhunter Indonesia

Bloody Hunter Indonesia - Halo imonia! Tanggal 23 Februari 2012 lalu, ada yang menarik di fanpage facebook dari PT. Olleh4U. Jika kamu masih ingat, Olleh4U adalah publisher dari game MMORPG Florensia Indonesia. Pada sebuah posting, Olleh4u mengumumkan game online terbaru mereka Bloodyhunter Indonesia. Yes new game imonia! Yuk kenalan dengan game terbaruu Bloody Hunter.

Bloody Hunter Indonesia adalah sebuah action MMORPG yang dikembangkan oleh developer asal korea bernama Wicket Studio. Unsur kejam dan brutal dalam game ini diperuntukan untuk para pemain 18+ tahun (dewasa). So, buat kamu yang  masih belum cukup umur dan tidak tahan melihat darah, sebaiknya dipikirkan kembali untuk memainkan game ini J (referensi: mmosite).

Di dalam Bloody Hunter perkembangan karakter kamu akan 4x lipat lebih cepat  dibandingkan dengan game MMO lainnya.  Tersedia 3 karakter dengan gaya bertarung yang berbeda yaitu: sword, fist, dan gun.  Game ini juga menawarkan fitur menarik lainnya seperti Tournament System, dengan 16 pemain  dapat saling berkompetisi, 5 tingkat arena, dan dungeon PvE.


Source : Here

Kelemahan Wii U, Satu Konsol Satu Akun Saja

Sebuah akun seharusnya dapat digunakan pada berbagai tempat seperti yang telah kita ketahui. Misalnya saja, jika kita membuka Facebook, dengan browser mana saja, jejaring sosial yang satu ini tentu dapat kita akses. Hal yang sama dengan Steam, meski harus verifikasi terlebih dahulu, namun kita dapat login dan memainkan game yang kita inginkan pada platform yang berbeda. Nintento justru membuatnya menjadi berbeda dengan yang lain. Baru-baru saja mereka mengungkapkan kalau akun pada Nintendo Network hanya dapat digunakan pada konsol dimana akun tersebut dibuat, dan peraturan ini setidaknya baru akan dimulai hari ini.

Seperti sebuah post yang disebutkan pada situs Nintendo Support, perusahaan telah mengungkapkan secara resmi kalau setiap pengguna akun tidak akan bisa membuka akun mereka pada konsol teman-teman mereka. Selain itu mereka juga tidak akan bisa men-transfer akun tersebut, meski mereka telah membeli Wii U baru. Tak peduli dengan alasan apa-pun, entah karena mungkin konsol yang lama rusak atau tak dapat digunakan lagi. Namun pengguna tetap tidak diijinkan untuk men-transfer akun mereka tersebut.

 Hal ini memang menjadi kekurangan Nintendo saat ini, namun mereka akan mengusahakan agar akun pada Nintendo Network akan dapat digunakan pada konsol masa datang dari Nintendo itu sendiri. Tak menutup kemungkinan juga untuk dapat digunakan pada perangkat lainnya, seperti PC. Sayangnya saat ini akun tersebut hanya dapat digunakan untuk satu konsol saja, yaitu konsol dimana akun tersebut dibuat.

Dengan kata lain, setiap pengguna konsol ini memang harus menjaga konsol ini dengan baik. Sehingga kemungkinan untuk kehilangan atau kerusakan yang terjadi pada konsol menjadi lebih kecil. Tentu tidak akan lucu kalau pengguna sudah banyak sekali memainkan game, dan kehilangan begitu saja data-data game yang telah mereka mainkan dengan perjuangan. Itu sudah jelas akan menyesak sekali di dalam dada.

Source : Here

Far Cry 3 Review Scores

Judging by the massive amount of near perfect review scores, Far Cry 3 is another contender for game of the year. It looks like Ubisoft kept everything that was good about Far Cry 2 and added a whole lot of great new features to the formula. Check out the review scores below, courtesy of CVG.
  • OXM UK: 9/10 - Far Cry 3 isn't too much of a departure, once you actually get to grips with the landscape that stretches behind that fidgety, histrionic exterior. It is, however, handily the best game in the series so far, and deserves to hold its head high among this winter's noisy crowd of sandbox offerings. If madness is repetition, this is one reworking of a formula I don't mind losing my mind to.
  • Eurogamer: 10/10 - In the past, Far Cry's vision of a first-person shooter RPG where you explore, master and then control your environment has always been more seductive on paper than any of its developers have managed to deliver on disc. Far Cry 3 changes all that. For me, this is the new apex predator of open-world shooters. Hunt it down as soon as you can.
  • IGN: 9.0 - Far Cry 3's dark story and exciting combat are equally unpredictable. Savor its incredible open world.
  • VideoGamer: 9/10 - Far Cry 3 shines in its campaign, which is more layered and compelling than any game proffering a power trip through escapist ultraviolence has any right to be. You could dismiss it all as offensive macho garbage, sure, but you could also read it as a unblinking look at the primal appeal of becoming capable at dishing out violence and how the confidence this confers can both attract and repel others. It's the sort of impact that could only be made by a video game, as in this medium neither responsibility for one's actions nor risk to one's well-being are realistic concerns. It's like disconnecting one's mind from reality; nothing is real, everything is permitted and madness is the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card.
  • StrategyInformer: 9.0 - Far Cry 3 is a triumph that stands out from every other shooter released this year. It'll frustrate sometimes, but hey, you can punch a shark in the face. In the face!
  • 1UP: B- - Despite its heady aspirations, Ubisoft's open-world FPS remains popcorn entertainment.
  • God is a Geek: 9/10 - Far Cry 3 is a resounding success, the sheer amount of things that you can spend your time doing make it a purchase that screams value for money. Add on top of that the story, the voice acting, the multiplayer aspects and all the gameplay elements which make Far Cry 3 a joy to play from start to finish, you're left with a game that will be in most people's Game of the Year nominations.
  • Official PlayStation Magazine: 9 - Far Cry 3's real triumph is blending so many elements into a cohesive whole without any feeling extraneous or tacked-on. Every element works and has its place, and contributes to a narrative that may not be class-leading but certainly exceeds expectations. It also possesses the perfect balance between steadily empowering you, yet never allowing you to feel overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of what's on offer - something even a game as great as Arkham City couldn't manage.
  • GamesRadar: 4.5/5 - Far Cry 3 doesn't need a strong multiplayer component because its single-player campaign will keep you invested for dozens of hours. You'll be eager to explore every bit of the tropical setting, to drive along the beach or hang glide over the ocean. You'll want to find lost treasures in the sunken ships that line the island's periphery and stab sharks to death for their valuable skins. You'll be compelled to save Jason's friends--even if they're super annoying--because attempting to do so means experiencing some of the most interesting missions you've likely seen in a shooter. And when tigers, bears, or other distractions randomly interrupt those missions, you'll have some pretty awesome stories to tell. That's just how Far Cry 3 rolls.
  • IB Tech: 7/10 - Far Cry 3 is not quite the marriage of art and entertainment that it wants to be, but it's nevertheless packed with ideas that are unique to games, while still being lots of fun to play.
  • IncGamers: 9/10 - Brutal, dark, well-written, and deeply enjoyable. Far Cry 3 takes a lot of its predecessors ideas and makes them work.
  • RockPaperShotgun: No score - This new game doesn't quite manage to clinch 2012 for me, but I have awkward tastes. For most people, I suspect, this will be cocktails and barbecues on the beach. Right as the year closes, we have another reason to be cheerful.
  • Kotaku: No score - Far Cry 3 is an example of the rare ambitious, big-budget game that accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do-chaotic yet controlled, with a brilliantly-balanced mechanical ecosystem that challenges and empowers at every turn. It's a wild ride, and one well worth taking. Just watch out for crocodiles.
  • Canadian Online Gamers: 90 - Far Cry 3 has effectively managed to bring a level of unparalleled insanity to a franchise that listens to its fans and manages to effectively redefine itself with each outing. Far Cry 3′s deep open world experience filled with its cast of unforgettably insane characters, entertaining storyline, vibrant visuals and varied gameplay makes it one of the best open world games to touch down in 2012. While the multiplayer aspects of the game are not quite as memorable and have fallen a bit behind other triple A shooters already on the market, as an entire package Far Cry is an impressive feat and one that should be under a lot of trees this holiday season.
  • Digital Spy: 4/5 - Despite a surprising amount of repetition within the single-player campaign, Far Cry 3 is a wonderful shooter with lots of secrets to discover and a huge game world to explore. Taking place in a stunning environment and featuring a compelling narrative, as well as an excellent cast of characters, Far Cry 3 offers hours of enjoyment, something which is greatly extended thanks to its competitive and co-operative multiplayer modes.
Related games: Far Cry 3

Source : Here 

Dota 2 15th November Patch – Content Analysis

UI Updates

We’ve a number of new UI updates in this patch, a chat wheel for quickly sending messages in game and some other updates for the dashboard.

In Game UI Updates
It is now possible to quickly alert/respond to your allies using the new “Chat Wheel” option (default key y), using this radial wheel will allow you to quickly select predetermined text responses.
Using the “Missing” option will also state which lane you’re talking about and will also play the hero voice response (if the hero has one).
Eg: You’re sitting in middle teaching Dendi how to play Dota and he runs off/leaves the lane, in this situation using the “Missing” option will display the message “Missing mid” and will also make your hero call out that mid is missing (if the hero has one).

Dashboard UI Updates
The Dashboard also got some UI loving with the new “keyboard template” options, which will allow you to quickly reset your keybinds to a specific template.
Normal template:

WASD template:

Legacy template:

The UI also has a shortcut to the “Player Activity” page directly via the “Play” tab. Using this shortcut will take you to the magical heatmaps that Zoid cooked up.
(You can also access it from your web-browser here:
The location of the shortcut:

The sexy player activity chart in action:

 Unreleased Cosmetic Items
We’ve some more updates to Bub, Disruptor’s first custom mount.
Disruptor’s Mount
Bub has undergone a model and texture update.
Comparison Slider – Mount Only

Comparison Slider – With Disruptor

New Bub

Old Bub

Source : Here

Meet the Greevils

Your Greevil in game will also have a particle effect and potentially a different array of parts.

Seraphic Greevil – Unusual x3

Source : Here


Slark, who goes there? DOTA 2 Patch Notes (15th November, 2012)

Today’s update brings Diretide to a close, which means that it’s also Hatching Day! If you’ve been spending time sitting on some eggs like a mother hen, you’ll see a new option to hatch them. Who knows what will emerge? This week we’ve got a new hero, and he’s a lovable little ball of claws and teeth – Slark! Enjoy mauling your enemies and then disappearing in a cloud of smoke, all while cackling like a deranged magician.

We’ve made some UI improvements this week too. We now have a chat wheel for communicating with your teammates so you can tell them just how a great a job they’re doing, and any message sent through the chat wheel is translated by wizards to each player’s language

If you have suggestions for additional phrases for the chat wheel, you can submit them here. We’ll be incorporating that feedback in future patches. Also, if you reset your keybinds, there are now some helpful default templates on the player options screen that you can select from.

Our film department has also put together a recap of The International 2012, which you can watch here. They’re still hard at work on the documentary about The International 2011, Free to Play.

Finally, we’ve been getting so many great submissions from the Polycount Contest that we’ve decided to extend it by two weeks. The new submission deadline is December 3rd. Head over to the workshop to see some of the great work they’ve been doing!

Official DOTA 2 (15th November, 2012) Patch Notes:
- Added Slark!
- Added a chatwheel for quick communication with teammates!
- Added support for using keyboard templates!
Item Changes:
- Tournament Drops are now enabled for all leagues.
Gameplay Changes:
- Zombies no longer spawn other zombies from a stolen Tombstone.
User Interface Changes:
- Added a form for soliciting new chatwheel options.
- Added world heatmap for seeing where current players are located.
- Abilities and items bound to alt-combinations now display as such.
Visual Changes:
- Fixed Nightstalker losing his wings at night.
Editing Changes: Just did a small update to fix an asset file bug. No update note changes for it.

Source : Here

Troll Warlord’s Concept Art

Troll Warlord

Jah’rakal, the Troll Warlord.

Troll Warlord’s Concept Art
With Mask:

Without Mask:

Troll Warlord’s Textures

Troll Warlord’s Particles

Source : Here
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