Review Dynasty Warriors 8: Tetap Adiktif dan Menyenangkan!

Apa yang membuat sebuah game begitu mudah untuk dinikmati? Sebagian developer mungkin mengandalkan kemampuan untuk menghadirkan plot yang kompleks dan mekanik gameplay yang inovatif untuk memunculkan sensasi yang satu ini, namun beberapa berhasil melakukannya dengan hanya mempertahankan elemen klasik yang selama ini menjadi identitas utamanya. Untuk urusan kedua ini, Dynasty Warriors boleh terbilang menjadi monumen yang pantas untuk menjadi bukti bagaimana formula ini ternyata masih diminati. Dengan tetap bertahan pada akar gameplay-nya yang menyenangkan, Tecmo Koei akhirnya merilis sang seri kedelapan untuk Playstation 3 dan Xbox 360.
Berbeda dengan sebagian besar game hack and slash yang mengusung jumlah musuh yang proporsional, Dynasty Warriors memang membangun popularitasnya dari desain gameplay dalam level absurditas yang luar biasa. Konsep cerita Tiga Kerajaan yang menjadi dasar cerita disulap dalam sebuah genre “Musou”, sebuah level hack and slash yang memungkinkan Anda untuk membantai ribuan pasukan musuh dalam satu kali perjalanan. Meninggalkan sensasi heroik yang kentara sekaligus menghasilkan mekanik yang akan terus membuat jari Anda menari indah di atas kontroler. Anda yang sempat membaca preview kami sebelumnya tentu saja sudah mendapatkan sediki gambaran akan apa ditawarkan seri ini sekilas pandang.
Lantas apa yang sebenarnya ditawarkan oleh Dynasty Warriors 8? Apa yang membuat kami menyebutnya sebagai sbeuah seri yang tetap adiktif dan menyenangkan?



Seperti halnya seri-seri Dynasty Warrior sebelumnya, Dynasty Warriors 8 juga akan menjadikan kisah pertempuran tiga negara sebagai tema utama.

Tetap bertahan dengan pondasi cerita Tiga Kerajaan yang menjadi landasan cerita franchise Tecmo Koei selama ini, Dynasty Warriors 8 memberikan kesempatan untuk menjajal cerita dari kacamata empat kerajaan yang berbeda di Story Mode. Anda bisa berperan sebagai tokoh-tokoh ikonik dari Kerajaan Wei, Wu, Shu dan Jin. Tidak hanya sekedar terlibat dalam misi yang bergerak cepat dari satu chapter ke chapter lainnya, Dynasty Warriors 8 juga membubuhkannya dengan ekstra cut-scene sinematik di awal dan akhir cerita untuk menambahkan atmosfer plot yang sesuai.


Di Wei, Anda akan berfokus pada sosok legendaris Cao Cao yang terlibat dalam perang besar – Chibi setelah berhasil kabur dari usaha pembunuhan yang krusial. Wu berputar pada usaha Sun Quan untuk membangun kembali keluarga Wu sebagai salah satu kekuatan militer yang paling ditakuti di China. Sebuah kisah klasik yang tidak tergantikan – Shu kembali memuat kisah tiga serangkai yang tentu tidak lagi asing: Liu Bei, Guan Yu, dan Zhang Fei dengan pendekatan dramatis yang menggugah. Terakhir? Anda akan terlibat dalam aksi kudeta yang dilakukan oleh Jin lewat tangan dingin Sima Yi setelah tewasnya sang rival utama – Zhuge Liang. Keempat perjalanan ini akan menghasilkan satu benang merah yang sama dan membawa Anda masuk ke dalam alur Tiga Kerajaan yang lebih kompleks.

 Tidak harus terjebak dalam cerita historis yang disediakan, ekstra usaha akan memungkinkan akan menempuh jalur cerita yang berbeda.

Namun tidak sekedar jatuh dalam jalur yang sama, Dynasty Warriors 8 hadir dengan pendekatan unik yang lain di sisi plot. Menempuh side mission tertentu dan menyelesaikan beberapa objektif alternatif yang ada, Anda berkesempatan untuk membuka sebuah jalur sejarah yang berbeda dengan jalur cerita Tiga Kerajaan yang selama ini Anda kenal. Sebuah misi ekstra yang tidak akan hanya akan memerangkap Anda lebih jauh ke dalam Dynasty Warriors 8, tetapi menjadi daya tarik tersendiri.

Source : Here


Microsoft Batalkan Rilis Perdana Xbox One di 8 Negara

Terlepas dari beragam perubahan kebijakan yang berusaha mereka suntikkan untuk mengembalikan kembali posisi Xbox One di kancah persaingan next-gen, Microsoft justru terkesan menggali lubang lebih dalam. Setelah menarik kebijakan DRM yang sempat mereka dengungkan sebagai “kunci masa depan” dan kembali ke format awal yang serupa dengan Playstation 4, Microsoft juga menarik ucapan mereka yang sempat menjadikan Kinect sebagai syarat yang tidak bisa diganggu gugat. Setelah mengumumkan bahwa Xbox One dapat dijalankan tanpa Kinect, Microsoft hadir dengan ekstra berita buruk lainnya. Mereka memutuskan untuk menarik rilis perdana Xbox One dari 8 negara awal yang direncanakan.
Anda yang gencar mengikuti berita Xbox One tentu mengetahui rencana  Microsoft untuk menjadikan 21 negara di seluruh dunia sebagai konsumen pertama yang beruntung mencicipi konsol next-gen ini. Ke-21 negara ini akan dapat menikmati Xbox One sejak awal November 2013 ini. Namun siapa yang menyangka, rencana ini ternyata juga dirombak ulang kembali oleh Microsoft. Mereka memutuskan untuk menarik 8 negara rilis perdana ini dan “melempar” mereka ke waktu rilis  2014. Kedelapan negara ini adalah: Belgia, Denmark, Finlandia, Norwegia, Russia, Swedia, dan Swiss. Sementara 13 negara yang tetap mendapatkan Xbox One 1 November 2013 mendatang: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italia, Mexico, Spain, Inggris, Amerika Serikat, dan Selandia Baru.
Menyimpang dari rencana rilis perdana di 21 negara, Microsoft memutuskan untuk menarik 8 negara dari rencana awal ini. Strategi yang terlalu ambisius dan proses lokalisasi yang kompleks menjadi alasan. Bagi gamer yang sudah melakukan pre-order di kedelapan negara tersebut, Microsoft akan memberikan kompensasi game original di rilis 2014 mendatang.
Lantas apa yang membuat kedelapan negara ini dicabut statusnya sebagai negara rilis perdana? Microsoft menyebut rencana penetrasi pasar di 21 negara sebagai sebuah tujuan yang terlalu agresif dan ambisius. Menimbang proses lokalisasi dashboard Xbox one dalam ke dalam beragam bahasa, termasuk penambahan suara dan dukungan aplikasi lokal membuat proses ini tidak mudah. Bagi gamer 8 negara ini yang sudah melakukan proses pre-order untuk dapat menikmati konsol ini secepat mungkin, Microsoft minta maaf dan menjanjikan kompensasi berbentuk game original di peluncuran resmi mendatang.

Dengan begitu banyak perubahan yang mereka lakukan, kondisi Xbox One tentu terlihat sangat tidak stabil untuk dilirik. Gamer yang sudah tidak sabar untuk mencicipinya dan melakukan proses pre-order masih harus berhadapan dengan kebijakan yang terus berubah dan tidak pernah tetap. Seriously Microsoft, you gotta stop this behaviour!
Source : Here

TI3: Pretending To Know What You're Talking About

The International 3 is now upon us, and watching it will be more players than ever before. With this being the biggest and best-known event in Dota 2, and with Dota 2 having been officially released recently, there will be a large influx of players who aren’t used to paying attention to the “pro scene”; not knowing the words, the methods or the tropes of professional Dota 2 games-- including myself.

I know very little about how the world of the pro players actually works. I don’t know much about the popular picks, I don’t know why half the popular picks I do know are popular, I barely even know the teams’ names. Obviously since I work with DotaCinema, it’s a poor idea to let this woeful lack of knowledge come into play; if I’m to stay working here I have to put on the visage of knowing my stuff. There’s nothing more sad than a DotaCinema guy who hasn’t a clue. This is why I’ve amassed over time a number of personal tips and tricks that allow me to successfully sound like I know what everybody else is talking about.

With The International upon us, I’ve decided to spread these methods among the players. I hope to help everybody look, sound and feel exactly as informed as your average caster. No longer will you look like a total prat by saying “Why did they pick Crystal Maiden?” I’ll be taking you step-by-step through your typical professional game, providing a number of buzzwords and phrases to insert into your dialogue with which you may pretend to have some semblance of comprehension.
The most important thing is not to know what’s going on, but to sound like you do.

Stage One: The Tournament System

It is likely that by the time this article is released, people will be attempting to explain how The International 3’s tiered win/lose system works.

Having had it explained to me three times, I still have no idea how it works. It has something to do with high and low tiers and I think if you lose one you’re out of the competition, but not always. Or something. As such, I have quickly worked up a few buzzwords to use while having it explained to you. These include:
  • Ah, but will that be fair?
  • That sounds fair.
  • That doesn’t make sense.
  • That seems logical.
  • I prefer the old system.
  • I prefer the new system.
And if none of these work, apply the be-all, end-all phrase:
  • What does this mean for the meta?

Stage Two: The Picks and the Bans

  • The more boring the hero seems, the more powerful it actually is.
This is why you often see Chen or Batrider or people like that – the fiddly ones that you are awful at playing – being picked or banned. Similarly, heroes that are extremely dull or one-tone in appearance, namely Lifestealer (slow, Rage, punchpunchpunchpunch) or Nature’s Prophet (teleport in, auto-attack, auto-attack, auto-attack, auto-attack, bugger off) and others, are actually the most professional of all.

This means that in pro games you'll most often see heroes that appear totally useless in your own hands perform at a level far higher than you are capable of understanding. This is where I come in.

You see, pretending to sound like you know what you’re talking about is all about the terminology. If you can sound like you know what you’re on about, you’re halfway there. With this fact in mind, you can then officially apply the following terminology to certain hero types:
  • If a fun hero with high utility defined by one major gimmick is picked, you can say “This was an interesting pick.”
  • If a hero commonly seen in public matches with little significant utility is picked, such as Bloodseeker or Sniper, you say ”This was an unexpected pick.”
  • If heroes you personally are awful at and seem impossible to play such as Chen or Io are picked, you say “This was a standard pick.”
  • And finally, if you see a remarkably boring right-click carry like Nature's Prophet or Lifestealer picked, you say “This was an inevitable pick.”

And if none of these work, apply the be-all, end-all phrase:
  • What does this mean for the meta?

Stage Three: The Laning

First of all, forget everything you thought you knew about laning. Two heroes per side-lane and one hero soloing middle? Forget about it. Professionals have, I believe, actually transcended to a higher plane of existence, where the rules of Dota 2 no longer apply.

What you’ll be seeing in professional games can more be described as “organised nonsense”, or possibly “flehfbluegh”. You will commonly see an entire team parade down one lane, charge through the enemy jungle and fill it to the brim with wards, before sodding off and having a tri-lane, in which a lane is run by three heroes rather than two. Sometimes you will see a team leave a lane, cover itself in Smoke of Deceit before running around in circles and going back to their lanes.

And “staying in lane”? What do these words mean to a professional? Just about the only time you will see anyone stay where they are is when a Nature’s Prophet is engaging in what we like to call Nature’s Profit. The rest of the time, players will be up and down and all around the map like a group of dancing lunatics.

The important thing, when this happens, is not to panic. Do not say something like “What are they doing?” or “I’ve not seen this before,” because that is a dead giveaway to your peers that you have no idea what you’re talking about. What you must instead do is make various standard Oohs and Aahs, making sure you sound like you’re used to this happening.

If pressed and someone asks you if you think some ability usage or another will pay off, this means the action is nonstandard enough for you to shrug and say “I have no idea," or possibly even "Wait until the action comes into play.” This piece of meaningless gibberish should suitably impress your peers.
And if none of these work, apply the be-all, end-all phrase:
  • What does this mean for the meta?

Stage Four: The Teamfights

If this is the case, do not panic. Be assured in the fact that probably nobody watching with you knows what’s going on in this clustered mess either. As such, instead of making specific comments on the subject, oftentimes you can get away with a simple “I just watched someone get kicked in the crotch” sound.

As for specifics, it is entirely plausible that something important has happened by the latter half of a team engagement. I find it helpful to watch around the edges and keep an eye on the people coming and going, and reacting accordingly.
  • If someone is low on health and trying to run away, you say “It will be impressive if he/she escapes in time,” with different emphases on the word impressive depending on whether the low-health hero is being chased, is slowed or has projectiles heading for them. Bonus points for making the kicked-in-crotch sound again if they get caught.
  • If someone is flinging spells in a seemingly random fashion into the middle of the fray, running in and out or nowhere near the fight at all, you say “This person is playing it safe,” with the emphasis varying depending on just how safe they are.
  • Finally, if there’s a really big hero in the middle of the battle and something goes bang, chances are they’ve done something important. As such, you will say something like “That was a brilliantly-timed ultimate that may win the fight for them.” There is a roughly 90% chance you’ll be right.
Specific spells to watch out for are Reverse Polarity, Black Hole and Ravage, three of the biggest game-changers you’re likely to see in these games - but, most importantly, these three spells are very easy to spot, being huge and obvious and noisy, and will be heralded by people screaming in apparent joy or possibly due to a haemorrhage. When this happens, you are allowed to join in, and perhaps even yell out the name of the spell that was cast. That way, you will give a demonstration of apparent baseline understanding of the game.
And if none of these work, apply the be-all, end-all phrase:
  • What does this mean for the meta?

Stage Five: The Fails

We all know fails, do we not? DotaCinema is famous for collecting them, and we all have some now and then. They make the game interesting.

However, you will not see fails in the pro games.
The pro players are perfect.

In this case, if you see something that looks like a fail, do not burst into laughter. This was more than likely an advanced technique far beyond your range of understanding. Observe this example from the TI3 qualifiers.

Now you see here, this Sven apparently missed his stun, causing it to sail over a number of creeps, through a group of enemy heroes before hitting a rather harmless boar. This would normally be cause for ridicule, but what you actually see here is an advanced scare tactic, intended to intimidate the enemy team.

When you see an apparent fail, you will use by default the term advanced scare tactic unless the situation demands something more situational. A good list is as follows:
  • Advanced farming technique.
  • Advanced escape manoeuvre.
  • Advanced juking manoeuvre.
  • Advanced warding method.
  • Advanced scouting mannerism.
  • And, in the worst cases, Advanced self-denial.
Note that the word “Advanced” is in every term. This is because in order to sound like you know your stuff, adding “advanced” to everything pretty much makes it 50% more professional-sounding.
And if none of these work, apply the be-all, end-all phrase:
  • What does this mean for the meta?

Now you should be fully equipped to watch The International 3 with the absolute self-assured knowledge that the people around you think you know what’s going on. You can impress your friends with your fabricated knowledge of ultimates, picks and laning tactics. Put on the right voice and you'll be practically indistinguishable from the best casters!
That is the magic of pretending to know what's going on. Speaking as a member of DotaCinema, it’s worked wonders for me.

Source : Here

The International 2013 Immortals

Dota 2 Immortals from TI3 Compendium

Because the 6th goal of 2.6 million US dollars was reached for The International 2013 fundraising, Valve has released different immortals for players who bought the International compendium.
Each player gets an Immortal Reliquary.

Open the Immortal Reliquary and get a chance to get the following items.

2013 Compendium Immortals:

Leviathan Whale Blade - Kunkka Immortal

Upon the rough seas swam the wondrous and terrible leviathan whale, set upon consuming ship and crew, and when it had eaten its fill did it vanish into the roiling waves leaving stranded those in its wake. Forged by one that lived, the blade ever seeks the heart of the beast.

Cauldron of Xahryx - Lone Druid Immortal

Until at Sylla's paw the vile Xahryx fell asunder, the wildest power known was held within the cauldron's depths. In fear of what evil may seek such strength was the vessel taken, and put to heroic purpose.

Whale Hook - Pudge Immortal

Ideally, a hook made for reeling in enormous creatures of the deep would not gouge and hack into the bones and flesh of the prey. But Pudge doesn't much care if he makes a mess of his meat.

Scree'auk's Talon - Vengeful Spirit Immortal 
Scree'auk's Talon was fashioned by a certain winged Mage, forged from shades of unrequited passion, tempered in grief, and quenched in the secret tears of her admirer. More's the pity that she uses it now, approximately half the time, to hunt him.

Mace of the Chosen - Abaddon Immortal

Weapons forged in the primal mists of the Font of Avernus may only be wielded by those the Font has chosen to defend it.

Source : Here

The International 2013 Unusual Couriers

TI3 Dota 2 Couriers
There are 3 types of Dota 2 unusuals to celebrate The International 2013.

Unusual Osky the Ottragon
"Osky! Osky! What a good boy!" He capers and sports, but underneath the playful exterior is an abiding sadness. He misses his siblings.

Unusual Fezzle-Feez the Magic Carpet Smeevil
Fezzle-Feez, like most smeevils, has no floor on which to spread his magic carpet, therefore he unrolls it in mid-air.

Unusual Trapjaw the Boxhound
Within the dungeons of the Severed Keep there sits a treasure hoard long abandoned. Many are the raiders who have set their sights on its wonders, yet only one has ever returned, telling grisly tales of a family of enchanted chests brimming with gold, devouring his friends. 

Source : Here

Get Smeevil mounts for Dota 2

How to get Smeevil mounts for Dota 2

The International 2013 Smeevil Courier mounts

A genuine Smeevil is a courier given to all players who unpack a Dota 2 Compendium.

There are 3 smeevil mounts: crab, mammoth and bird.

How to get a Dota 2 Smeevil with the Crab mount:
Complete 8 sets of Dota 2 player cards (including 2 challenge teams) to get the Smeevil Crab mount.

* Get Edge Crab Lure (Mythical)
How to get a Dota 2 Smeevil with the Mammoth mount:
Complete the creation of an International Fantasy Challenge to get the Smeevil Mammoth mount.

* Get Mammoth Bait (Mythical)

How to get a Dota 2 Smeevil with the Bird mount:
Complete the Main Event Predictions to get the Smeevil Bird mount.

* Get Cleft Hawk's Call (Mythical)


DotA 2 Guide to Stat Manipulation


Stat manipulating is something most DotA players have heard about, but not something usually used to its full extent. Many of us have heard the casters pointing out how a player dropped two of his gauntlets (+3str) to get the most out of their salves, or heard how changing Power Treads to agi lets you refill more mana and HP with a bottle charge. This guide will explain the inner workings of stat manipulation and cover all relevant tricks, from the most common to the most rare and rewarding.


All of this guide is focused around filling your bars in the fastest, most efficient way possible. Those bars are your HP bar, with a maximum value of (150+Strength*19+bonuses from items/skills) and your Mana bar, with a value of (13*Intelligence + bonuses from items/skills).

One way to fill those are the passive regenerations, which are:

-HP regeneration = Base Regeneration (all heroes have 0.25 at least) + Strength * .03 + Bonus HP Regen from Items/Skills

-Mana regeneration = Int*0.4*(100% + % based regeneration from items) + Flat regeneration (Basilius and similar auras, Crystal Maiden's Aura)

The other way are items with activable effects and skills with relevant effects to the current HP/Mana values. Since most of these effects are flat (not based on max HP/mana), the smaller your max hp/max mana is, the stronger those effects will be. And that's where stat manipulation comes into play: you can lower your max HP/Mana by either dropping items to the ground or switching power treads while keeping your current HP/Mana percentage the same, get the bars refilled, and increase the max values of the bars again.

There are some maxHP/maxMana changes that change the current values for the same number (and as such, can't be used for these tricks). Those actually hurt or heal you, changing your current % value. Some examples of these are white number stat changes (levelup, Morph), Death Pact(it heals you on activation, and only lowers the maxhp once it finishes) and Armlet of Mordiggian's active effect.

Example scenarios

That's right, straight for the usage examples. I thought about listing items relevant in a separated section, but would have ended repeating a lot of information.
I'll list a bunch of items you have in your inventory, your objective and how much time you have to achieve it. The answers will be spoilered so you get a chance to answer it yourself before checking.

Scenario 0:
[image loading][image loading][image loading][image loading][image loading]
You have 20 seconds to recover as much HP and mana as you can.

Drop the gauntlets, use the healing salve and the clarity potion. After 10s, you can pick the gauntlets, since the salve effect has ended, and the clarity effectiveness isn't affected by the strength of the gauntlets

Scenario 1:
[image loading][image loading][image loading][image loading]
You have 3 seconds to recover as much HP as you can, while sitting at max Mana.

Drop the bracers, use Mekansm, pick bracers. You do pay a bit more mana than you could since you lost int from dropping the bracers, but max HP was the targe

Scenario 2:
[image loading][image loading]
You're traveling towards your jungle from your ancients, and you want to recover as much HP and Mana as possible during the displacement.

Set the Power Treads to either int or agi and wait. Setting it to int or agi doesn't matter at all, since your max mana, current mana and mana regen scale directly proportional to your int

Scenario 3:
[image loading][image loading] + [image loading]
Same as before, you're moving through the map and want to recover both mana and HP.

Set the Power Treads to agi and wait. Since you have two sources of flat mana regen (Brillance aura and Vlads aura), setting your PT to int would make those flat regens less relevant

Scenario 4:
[image loading][image loading][image loading]
You are missing mana, and want to recover as much as possible in 11 seconds.

Set Power Treads to Strength, drop the bracer, use Soul Ring (-150 HP, +150 mana), pick your bracer, set the PT to int and wait 10s.

Since you will increase your int, the 150 mana of the SoulRing will get multiplied by: (Base int+3[Bracer]+8[Power Treads])/(Base int), but you will only lose 150 mana at the end. If you were, for instance, a Level 7 Sven (23 int), you would have gained ((23+11)/23)*150-150. That amounts to 72 mana.

Remember that you could also have spent 150 mana in those 10 seconds (after switching PT to int and picking the bracer), preventing the mana removal, and the SoulRing would have provided 150+72 effective mana. This also allows you to set your PTs back to STR/AGI and keep the same mana % at the end of the SoulRing buff, since no mana will be subtracted.

Setting your PTs to STR, using SoulRing, PT to int, cast a spell, and PT back to STR is a very good habit in combat/farming situation

Scenario 5:
[image loading][image loading] + [image loading][image loading]
You have to manage two heroes that want to recover as much mana as possible.

Hero1 drops both items, Hero2 drops the null talisman and uses the Arcane Boots. Then Hero2 drops the Arcane Boots, Hero1 picks his up, uses them, and then both pick the rest of the items up

Notice that if you had to wait a long period of time, you could keep the Arcane boots or Point booster dropped, since droping those keeps your mana regen the same, but decreases your max and current Mana. If there are flat regens involved, even droping the Null Talisman would help

Scenario 6:
[image loading][image loading][image loading]
You're at your fountain, sent back by Chen during a clash. You want to recover full Mana and HP as fast as possible to rejoin the fight.

Drop the Aghanim and use bottle. Most of the regen of the fountain is percentage based, but there's a small flat mana regen component, plus the big flat HP/s Mana/s provided by the bottle. Dropping the aghanim and picking it up before teleporting hastens the refill

Hero-specific tricks or item tricks not covered by this guide should be easy to infer from these examples. There are times that neither option is optimal. For instance, you want to use Mekansm. Do you drop the Point booster to get healed for more, or do you keep it to pay less mana? You'll have to decide what's the best option, and if it's worth the risk of getting the item destroyed. Tricks with Arcanes or Mek are safer, since if you're fast enough (specially with shift-queue) it's almost impossible for someone to hijack/destroy the item. On the other hand, bottle or specially salves carry a considerable risk if you're not under an allied tower.

DotA2 exclusive, making use of items during the 10s window

DotA2 has a 10s period of grace during which you can have an item and sell it back for full price, as long as you don't use its active (when possible). Apart from the obvious disadvantages (you could get killed and be forced to keep the items), there's also the fact that if you spend Reliable gold, you will only get Unreliable gold back. You can read about Reliable gold here.

I'll list some useful items from the Side Shop, since that's where this trick is most useful:

[image loading][image loading]
You can buy these items to increase your current mana, TP back, and sell them at base. Or you could use them to cast a spell, and sell it right back, to diminish the mana cost on your real mana pool. Energy booster works only if you have already your tier 2 boots (since if not, you'll build Arcane boots and won't be able to sell back for full price).

[image loading][image loading][image loading]
These can be bought to boost your regen for a few seconds. If you're doing it, it'll be safer to sell and rebuy them each 4-6 seconds, so a 2 second stun doesn't prevent you from selling them (death will always prevent you though, unless you plan to buyback)

[image loading]
Useful to reduce the damage received from delayed damaging effects (like Maledict or Shadow Poison), or preventing Zeus from claiming vengeance in the name of the ally you just killed. It reduces Thundergod's Wrath lvl 1 damage from 169 to 143.

Last words

If you have any scenario you'd like me to cover, maybe even hero-specific (I could make a dedicated section for specific hero tricks), don't doubt asking for them.

Any correction (specially, which are the actual mechanics behind the armlet trick) or suggestion about the other sections is also very welcome.

About the title: I know that DotA2 is supposed to be spelled without capital A. I still think that those of us who consider DotA2 the true and only sequel to DotA should spell it like that, regardless of Valve not being able to do it.

Finally, I want to thank flamewheel for letting me use his AM guide as template.

Source : Here
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