udah pada taw kan hero yang satu ini...
enak banget lho klo bisa maeninna...
dan cara bwt jago maeninna juga g serumit hero lain...
sebelumna gw kasi general info na dulu mengenai forsaken archer deh (yg selanjutna akan disebut sebagai FA)...
Attack Type=Ranged
Attack Damage=41-52
Attack Range=600
Strength per level=1.7
Agility per level=2.7
Intelligence per level=1.8
Crippling Volley
The Forsaken Archer fires a Volley of barbed arrows high into the sky, dispersing them over an area and pinning any enemy caught in their path to the ground.
Level 1 : Applies Crippling Volley to enemies in 225 radius for 1.75 seconds. Deals 85 Magic damage.
Level 2 : Applies Crippling Volley to enemies in 225 radius for 2 seconds. Deals 140 Magic damage.
Level 3 : Applies Crippling Volley to enemies in 225 radius for 2.25 seconds. Deals 195 Magic damage.
Level 4 : Applies Crippling Volley to enemies in 225 radius for 2.5 seconds. Deals 250 Magic damage.
Mana cost 95/110/125/140
Cooldown 10 seconds
Crippling Volley Effect
Split Fire
By drawing even more from the stolen souls she keeps trapped in her quiver,
the Forsaken Archer is able to fire arrows that split into parts, striking multiple targets.
Level 1 : Splits attack into 4 seperate attacks, each dealing 35% damage.
Level 2 : Splits attack into 4 seperate attacks, each dealing 45% damage.
Level 3 : Splits attack into 4 seperate attacks, each dealing 55% damage.
Level 4 : Splits attack into 4 seperate attacks, each dealing 65% damage.
Mana cost n/a
Cooldown n/a
Call of the Damned
With the cursed powers bestowed on her by the Hellbourne,
the Forsaken Archer is able to bring the soulless bodies of her
victims back from the dead to fight by her side as skeletal warriors.
Level 1 : Spawns 2 Skeletal Minions with 20 max health, deals 14-20 physical damage and does 4 Magic damage per second over 4 seconds on attack.
Level 2 : Spawns 4 Skeletal Minions with 20 max health, deals 20-26 physical damage and does 8 Magic damage per second over 4 seconds on attack.
Level 3 : Spawns 6 Skeletal Minions with 20 max health, deals 26-32 physical damage and does 12 Magic damage per second over 4 seconds on attack.
Level 4 : Spawns 8 Skeletal Minions with 20 max health, deals 32-38 physical damage does 16 Magic damage per second over 4 seconds on attack.
Mana cost n/a
Cooldown n/a
Also works on denied creeps.
Piercing Arrows
Fueled by the rage in her heart, the Forsaken Archer fires Piercing Arrows
that fly straight through her target, striking any other enemies in its path
behind them before it finally dissipates.
Level 1 : Shoots a Piercing Arrow every 0.5 seconds that travels 1300, and damages any enemies it goes through for 75 Magic damage per arrow.
Level 2 : Shoots a Piercing Arrow every 0.5 seconds that travels 1300, and damages any enemies it goes through for 150 Magic damage per arrow.
Level 3 : Shoots a Piercing Arrow every 0.5 seconds that travels 1300, and damages any enemies it goes through for 225 Magic damage per arrow.
Range 625
Mana Cost 100/200/300
Cooldown 95 seconds
beberapa di antara kalian mungkin ada yang binggung skill yang harus d naikin yang mana dlu c bwt maenin hero ini?
berikut ini adalah urutan skill yang harus d tingkatkan d tiap level na...
level : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 /11/12/13/14/15/16/ ~
skill : 3 / 1 / 1 / 3 / 1 / 4 / 1 / 3 / 3 / + / 4 / + / + / + / + / 4 / ~
untuk level di atas 17 akan mengambil additional stat sampai mencapai batas baru lah mengambil split arrow. hal ini karena split arrow tidak akan terlalu berpengaruh untuk seorang FA.
mungkin beberapa di antara kalian berpikir bahwa split arrow akan berguna untuk farming / creeping...
hal itu tidaklah salah, tetapi jika kalian dapat memainkan FA dengan benar, pada level 16 ++ kalian akan mendapatkan equip yang cukup untuk farming dengan mudah tanpa skill split arrow... (bahkan kita akan bisa farming hero lho... lol)
penasaran apa saja equip yang di perlukan oleh FA?
berikut adalah list equip yang akan dicapai FA :
enchanted marchers (phase boots)
thunderclaw (maelstorm) -> mjolnir
helm of dominator -> satanic
equip di atas merupakan equip wajib (menurut gw) yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang FA nanti na...
sisa slot yang masih tersedia bisa kalian kembangkan sendiri...
for me, i usually use manta style to increase damage or butterfly to get evasion rate (depends on the enemy)
hal yang perlu di ingat dari FA adalah kemampuan kalian dalam melakukan last hit dan deny creep. hal ini sangat penting mengingat skill ketiga (call of the damn) yang dapat membangkitkan skeleton dari creep yang kita bunuh...
semakin banyak creep yang kalian bnuh, semakin banyak pasukan skeleton yang kalian miliki...