Kingdoms of Amalur : Reckoning

Released: 2012
Genre: RPG / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer: Big Huge Games
Publisher: Electronic Arts

Language: English, Italian, French, Spanish, German
Language: English
License: Freeware
Size: 2.81 GB

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - RPG with open world that unfolds in amazing magical kingdoms Amalura invented by the famous writer Robert Salvatore. Adventure begins with the protagonist of his miraculous resurrection: it turns out that he owns a very dangerous and unfathomable magic, able to change once and for all Amalur. Caught in the center of a fierce confrontation more races, factions and alliances, he must uncover the secret of his immortality and put an end to an ancient evil that threatens the world.

Q. What is Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™?
A. Reckoning is an epic, open world role-playing game that gives fans their first experience with Kingdoms of Amalur™, a new universe imagined by R.A. Salvatore, brought to life by Todd McFarlane, and designed by Ken Rolston and his team at Big Huge Games.

R.A. Salvatore is the creator of the immortal Drizzt Do’Urden and author of The New York Times best-selling Forgotten Realms series. Todd McFarlane is a Grammy and Emmy-award winning artist, writer and toy designer best known for creating the fantasy series Spawn. Ken Rolston served as the lead designer of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion before joining Big Huge Games development studio, the Baltimore, MD-based wholly-owned subsidiary of 38 Studios, based in Providence, RI.

Q. What can you tell me about the game?
A. Set in the Kingdoms of Amalur™ universe, Reckoning will offer unrivaled RPG action combat, seamlessly integrating magical and melee attacks into an innovative and visceral experience. Reckoning includes hundreds of quests, characters, creatures, weapons and spells. More details about the game will be revealed over the coming weeks and months.

Q. What is Kingdoms of Amalur™?
A. Kingdoms of Amalur™ is an original fantasy universe that serves as the setting for both Reckoning and 38 Studios’ upcoming massively multiplayer game, codenamed Project Copernicus. Amalur's cultures and expansive history were created by R.A. Salvatore, and the world is being brought to life through the artistic vision of Todd McFarlane. Legendary game designer Ken Rolston provides players their first journey into Kingdoms of Amalur™ through the hero’s journey in Reckoning. The story of Amalur will continue to expand through comic books, novels, toys and additional games.

Q. What roles in the game design and development did Ken Rolston, Todd McFarlane, and R. A. Salvatore play?
A. Each visionary brings a unique expertise to the team, and together they have made far more than just a game. They have created a living world with incredible history and depth, filled with breathtaking scenery and unforgettable adventures. Reckoning blends R.A. Salvatore’s storytelling mastery with Todd McFarlane’s eye for artistic excellence, all wrapped up in an expertly crafted RPG by Ken Rolston.

Kingdoms of Amalur will feature "5 distinct regions, 4 playable races, and 3 class trees with 22 abilities per tree." The player starts off as a "blank slate," waking up in a pile of corpses after returning from the dead. The game will utilize a unique "destiny" system, whereby the player can invest in a skill-tree system to unlock various "destinies," which acts as the class system for the game. Combat works based on the timing of button presses, similar to the style of an action RPG, with occasional quicktime events like those in the God of War series. Lead combat designer Joe Quadara, however, emphasized that, "Twitch skill is only going to get you so far. Strategy and proper RPG playing is going to get you farther." 38 Studios founder Curt Schilling said that the style of the game would be a marriage between God of War and Oblivion.


Intel Core2 Duo (or equivalent) running at 2.2GHz or greater
AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ (or equivalent) running at 2.6GHz or greater

1 GB (XP) or 2 GB (Vista/Win7)

10.5 GB of free space

Video Adapter:
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512MB or better
ATI Radeon HD3650 512MB or better
Supporting Pixel Shader 3.0
Minimum Resolution Supported is 1280x720

9.0c Compatible


Intel Core 2 Quad (or equivalent) running at 2.4GHz or greater
AMD Phenom X4 (or equivalent) running at 2.6GHz or greater

3 GB(XP) or 4 GB (Vista/Win7)

10.5 GB of free space

Video Adapter:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX260 1GB RAM or better
ATI Radeon HD4850 1GB RAM or better
Supporting Pixel Shader 3.0

9.0c Compatible

Playable Race

Noble. Honorable. Brave.
The Almain are valorous humans who embody the ideal of Order in all things. They abhor Chaos, imposing structure and ritual in everything they do. One of the most imperialistic kingdoms in Amalur, the Almain are proud of their long and illustrious military tradition. Their patron deity is Mitharu, god of Order, a belief that guides every aspect of their lives.
Some Almain have come to the Faelands seeking freedom from the binding ties of politics and religion, hoping to make their own destiny far from the rigid laws of their kingdom. Yet no matter how far they may wander from their homeland, they honor the battlefield disciplines of their ancestors.
City and Homeland = Port Myria, Almere Valley
Racial Bonuses = Blacksmithing(+2), Alchemy(+1), Persuasion(+1)

Traders. Mercenaries. Wanderers.
The human clans known as the Varani can be found throughout Amalur, as much at home on the high seas as in the villages and outposts they inhabit. Though not as culturally refined as the Almain, the Varani have brought commerce and a degree of civilization to the wilds of the Faelands.
While lacking political motivation for involvement in the war against the Tuatha, many Varani have found employment fighting in the mortal armies as mercenaries. The battle-hardened fierceness of the Varani has given them a well-earned reputation as a valuable ally in the seemingly unwinnable conflict.
City and Homeland = Nomadic
Racial Bonuses = Detect Hidden(+1), Mercantile(+1), Lockpicking(+2)

Regal. Steadfast. Uncompromising.
A proud and insular people, the Ljosalfar strive to preserve nature and shape it to their will. The light elves resist change, flash-freezing their ancient homeland to keep it in an idealized, timeless state. The Ljosalfar revere the principle of Justice, fighting time and again to defend Amalur against chaos and darkness.
The light elves stand with their Dokkalfar cousins to battle the relentless armies of the Tuatha. Though far from their frozen homeland, the Ljosalfar are determined to keep the fortress of Mel Senshir from falling into the hands of their enemy.
City and Homeland = Fieriol, Glen Suthain (The Eternal Vale)
Racial Bonuses = Dispelling(+2), Alchemy(+1), Sagecraft(+1)

Charismatic. Intelligent. Seductive.
The Dokkalfar are respected as sophisticated students of magic and diplomacy, yet it is their alluring presence that makes them so compelling. The dark elves are the ultimate manipulators, controlling the actions of others from the shadows. While their reputation for subtlety is well earned, many find the Dokkalfar so charismatic and compelling that they willingly parlay with them - regardless of the consequences.
Though the port city of Rathir stands as a testament to their thriving culture, the relentless war against the Tuatha has put a great strain upon the Dokkalfar. The dark elves fight alongside their fairer-skinned cousins, the Ljosalfar, in an attempt to push back the unyielding armies of the Fae.
City and Homeland = Rathir, Plains of Erathell
Racial Bonuses = Stealth(+2), Persuasion( +1), Sagecraft(+1)

Weapon Types

Sedikit Review Dari player
- Gabungan antara Fable, KOTOR, Skyrim dan Dragon Age dan sedikit element seperti Metal Gear Solid dan Deus EX Human Revolution.

- Untuk Fate System aku nggak terlalu ngeh, tetapi seperti yang aku mainkan, saat energy fate penuh (Energi warna ungu), tekan dan tahan X untuk masuk ke Fate Mode, nanti musuh yang mau mati bisa di 'FINISHING MOVE', dan setipa finishing Move bentuknya beda-beda tergantung (kalau ga salah) senjata atau Fate Classnya.

- Saat melakukan fate, ada berbagai tombol Random yang perlu kamu tekan cepat untuk exp tambahan.

Misalnya saat melakukan Finishing Move muncul kalimat Mouse 1,Tekan berulang kali dengansangat cepat. jadi kamu dapat bonus EXP dari bunuh musuh dan juga Fate.

Setiap Class bisa masang Buckler untuk Defense dengan menekan tombol Shift (Baru bisa aktif kalau kamu SUDAH pasang Buckler/Shield). Tanpa buckler, kamu nggak bisa melakukan Defense (teken SHIFT juga tetep kena).

-contoh serangan
Kalau kamu pilih Rogue kamu Bisa Menggunakan skill seperti 'Charge Shadow Strike' Dengan memasangkan senjata Dagger dimana abis ngecharge kamu melesat secepat kilat ke arah Musuh, Charge lebih lama bisa kamu 'arahkan ke musuh yang terdekat atau yg lagi ngepung kamu (Inget, no Auto Aim dan harus kamu kira2 pake keyboard ditambah Mouse, IT'S FUN yet a bit annoying)

- Karaktermu bisa Pake Seluruh Jenis Senjata seperti yang aku bilang.

- Tekan Space untuk menghindari Serangan.

- Tidak Ada sistem seperti menaikkan Status Dex Int Strength dan untuk menaikkan status tersebut harus dari Armor, senjata atau aksesoris lainnya, kalau beruntung mungkin kamu bisa nemuin buku yang ningkatin status tersebut (yang buku belum konfirmasi).

- hanya Skill, Fate, Jurus dan Passive bonus yang bisa kamu tambah.

- Kamu Bisa menyerang teman dengan menekan tombol H (kalau kamu mau jadi jahat) dan tekan H sekalilagi untuk menonaktifkan tombol ini.

- Nyolong (looting) barang di tempat umum seperti toko senjata, bar ...etc, membuat kamu dikejar-kejar ama penjaga, dan kamu harus KABUR sejauh mungkin atau suap (yang suap belum konfirmasi)

- Untuk Mage, ada Melee Staff dan Scepter, aku lupa satunya lagi.
Melee staf seperti di dragon age bisa dikombo dan kombonya macem2.

- Untuk Scepter, seperti panah,tetapi pake mana, tenang aja, setiap ngeluarin serangan Scepter, mana yang dikeluarin juga kecil dan Regen Mana Cepet banget. dan bisa di Charge

- Bow juga bisa di-'Charge'

- Ada Senjata seperti di karakter WoW Illidan Stormrage namanya 'Faeblade'

- Tekan C untuk Stealth dan ada indikator seberapa besar musuh tahu keberadaanmu, dan ada animasi takedownnya saat mbunuh.

- Setiap senjata punya combo tersendiri yang bisa di unlock.

Setiap passive skill Senjata dinaikkan (Sekitar 1 atau 2, Confirmed Longword dan Dagger), senjatamu bakal bisa di 'Charge'

Klik mouse kiri untuk ngeluarin Jurus.

- Ada trap di Dungeon, hati-hati

- Ada sistem lockpicking

- Ada blacksmithing

- Ada Enchanting

- Ada Buat Potion

- Ada sistem junk, di mana barang yang udah nggak kamu butuhkan bisa kamu buat menjadi junk Item

Karakter yang udh kumainkan

Swordman + Mage

Rogue + Mage

Swordman + Rogue

Saat levelmu udh tinggi, ada nama2 keren untuk setiap Class dan tentu aja yang classnya hybrid juga dapet nama dan tambahan stats(Ini demo 45 menit tok, gak mungkin naik ampe jauh)

misalnya menjadi mage + Rogue = Avenger Class

Kekurangan dari demo:

- Setelah introduction kamu cuman diberi kesempatan main 45 menit. Dan mesti bikin akrakter dari awal, tetapi beberapa barangmu bakal balik lagi ke kamu saat coba 2X atau seterusnya
- kalau Musuhmu Kebanyakan, kamera bakal terganggu.
- Abis Selesai loading pindah tempat atau selesaiin quest, kadang2 karaktermu jalan sendiri

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