Dota 2 - Who calls the Dragon Knight?

This week’s update includes the first piece of a large set of features aimed at introducing new players to Dota 2. Dota’s a deep game, and there’s a lot of things to learn, but we felt it was important that the learning was entertaining in itself, so we’ve tried to avoid building a dry tutorial. Did we succeed? That’s where you come in.

If you’re a new player, you’ll be automatically guided towards the first tutorial adventure, where you play Davion, The Dragon Knight. If you’ve already been playing Dota, you’ll find it under the Quests tab of the Play screen. Once you’ve completed it, please drop by the New Player Experience forum and tell us what you think.

We’re sure that you’ll think of a million things that we’re not teaching new players yet, and you’ll be right. This is just the first step, and we felt it was important to ship it so that you could help us figure out the right next step. Bringing new players into Dota is something we’ll be doing in collaboration with you, combining single player tutorial adventures with features like the recently released Hero Guides.
This week update also allow players to preview the content of all chests before unlocking them. You can also preview the contents in full 3D!

We’ve also added the ability to specify a custom status on your Rich Presence area. You can find this in your Career Profile panel.

Source : Here

AMD Perkenalkan Simulasi Rambut Realistis di Tomb Raider Reboot PC!

PC memang harus diakui sebagai platform gaming paling kuat yang ditawarkan di industri game saat ini. Sifatnya yang dinamis membuat banyak developer mampu mengadaptasikan ragam teknologi yang baru dan inovatif untuknya, terutama dari sisi visual, sesuatu yang tidak akan mampu diimplementasikan oleh konsol yang kian tua. Salah satu yang menarik untuk diikuti? Seri reboot yang tengah dikerjakan oleh Crystal Dynamics dan Square Enix – Tomb Raider yang memuat karakter utama – sang Lara Croft muda. Tidak hanya sekedar memastikan framerate dan kualitas tekstur yang jauh lebih baik, Tomb Raider Reboot versi PC ternyata juga akan memuat sebuah teknologi baru racikan AMD dan Crystal Dynamics. Teknologi yang mereka sebut sebagai TressFx Hair. Dari semua elemen desain karakter yang ada, rambut memang menjadi salah satu “masalah” yang cenderung terlihat kentara. Ia sering terlihat begitu kaku dan seringkali hadir dengan animasi yang kurang merepresentasikan sifatnya di dunia nyata ketika bersinggungan dengan banyak hal. Lewat teknologi TressFX Hair , AMD dan Crystal Dynamics berusaha memperbaiki hal ini. Menggunakan bahasa pemograman DirectCompute, mereka menciptakan sebuah simulasi yang lebih realistis dan dirender secara real-time. Setiap helai rambut Lara Croft saat ini akan dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai physics, dari gravitasi, angin, cahaya, gerak kepala, bahkan membuat rambut Croft keriting ketika dihadapkan pada situasi tertentu. Apakah ini artinya efek rambut seperti ini hanya akan mampu dihadirkan oleh AMD saja dan tertutup untuk perangkat dari Nvidia? Kemungkinan besar tidak. Bahasa pemograman DirectCompute dari DirectX 11 seharusnya membuat animasi rambut ini “terbuka”. AMD dan Crystal Dynamic sendiri belum memberikan konfirmasi apapun.

AMD dan Crystal Dynamics mengembangkan teknologi baru – TressFX Hair untuk simulasi rambut yang jauh lebih realistis. Lara Croft menjadi karakter pertama yang akan tampil maksimal dengannya.
Bedanya dengan rambut standar biasa? Lihat saja perbedaan detail yang ada.

Bagi Anda yang mengejar kualitas visual serealistis mungkin, animasi rambut TressFX Hair untuk Tomb Raider Reboot tentu menjadi alasan ekstra untuk menanti dan menjajal petualangan Lara Croft di PC. Sementara gamer konsol yang masih terpaku dengan DirectX 9? You can……weep…

Source : Here

Bedakan Dampak Kecanduan Game dan Psikopat

Seakan ga ada habisnya, kecenderungan bermain game yang berlebihan sering dikonotasikan hal-hal buruk dan mengarah ke tindakan brutal. Paling minim sih, saking hobinya dia bermain game sampai melupakan interaksi sosial dan kegiatan sehari-hari, tapi kalau sampe tersangkut tindak kriminal…Hmm, mari coba memilah mana yang masih dikategorikan kecanduan game dan mana yang sudah benar-benar terganggu kondisi kejiwaannya atau seorang psikopat!

Ambil contoh saja kasus terbaru yang terjadi di Cina, dan bukannya menghakimi perilaku gamer di sana negatif ya, tapi memang banyak kasus kecanduan game terekspos karena jumlah gamernya yang juga membludak. Seorang gamer bernama Zhao begitu kesal dengan pengelola warnet tempat dia biasa bermain saat koneksi internet (ISP) yang digunakannya terputus manakala sedang memainkan salah satu game web-based favoritnya. Kekesalannya begitu memuncak sampai dirinya ‘ngeyel’ menghampiri langsung sang pemilik warnet berlokasi di Renqiu, kota Hebei.

Awalnya, mereka berdua hanya bertengkar mulut, karena sang pemilik (disebutkan bernama Ren) malah menuduh Zhao telah mengunduh virus yang menyebabkan terputusnya koneksi internet. Semakin berang, Zhao pun meluncurkan bogem mentah ke arah Ren. Dengan posisi mempertahankan diri, Ren masih sempat merenggut sebuah palu, tapi gagal mengenai si Zhao. Bahkan palu itu berhasil direbut Zhao dan digunakan untuk memukul kepala Ren berkali-kali hingga sang pemilik warnet terkapar tewas di tanah.

Lebih ‘gila’-nya lagi, begitu istri Ren masuk ke ruangan dan bergerak menghampiri jenazah suaminya, Zhao melayangkan juga palu itu ke kepala sang istri yang tak tahu apa-apa tersebut, kemudian menikamnya dengan gunting yang tergeletak dekat jangkauannya. Demi menutup kejahatannya, Zhao akhirnya membakar warnet berisi mayat pasangan suami istri tersebut bersama senjata pembunuhnya.

Kasus pembunuhan tersebut terjadi di bulan Desember lalu, namun pihak berwajib baru berhasil menangkap Zhao di bulan Januari ini. Berdasarkan sumber pemberitaan dari Cina, Zhao terancam hukuman mati atas tuntutan pembunuhan ganda. Hukuman setimpal untuk seorang ‘psikopat’, tapi bukan untuk gamer yang kecanduan game tentunya…

Andaikata 2 aline pertama di atas hal yang wajar kita temui pada dampak kecanduan game, maka dua alinea berikutnya akan menggambarkan hal-hal yang membedakan gamer dengan orang yang kemungkinan terganggu kejiwaannya, alias psikopat! So, bagaimana Sobat Digitalife? Stay healhty, and keep happy gaming! ^_^

Source : Here

DotA Guide Role

Main carry of the team, it’s the ultimate arsenal ace card or whatever, in late game. Its farming time spans from early game to mid game, sometimes to late game if used to solo push.
Accurate lasthitting
Hardcarry is often positioned in a trilane with 2 supports, sometimes dual lane with 1 support having a good lane support ability, making farm a lot easier since the lane is evenly balanced / dominated. The standard CS of a Hardcarry should be about 40-60 creep kills in 10 mins and 80-120 in 20 mins.
Lane coordination
When being in trilane, both 2 Supports and Hardcarry should all try hard to scare the enemy hero, as well as to kill when chance comes. With 3 heroes having nukes for damages / disables / slows, the capability to kill is extremely high. i.e. Naga, Leshrac, Earthshaker (LV3 nuke output damage is about 450 + hitting damage of 250, considering all 3 can disable awhile, it’s a 700 damage output!)
Creep control
Being a Hardcarry is not just about good last hitting. Hitting enemy’s creeps continuously will result in self’s creeps pushing forward, thus making the enemy heroes  farm easier. Furthermore, it makes their flanks and rear secure, vanishing trilane’s capability to scare / gank the enemy. On the contary, if you manage to draw their creeps closer to your tower, you may have better chance to farm easier and have your supports flank them. So you may like to block your creeps, deny your own half-HP creeps, and last hit whenever the enemy’s creep HP is exactly 1 hit left.
Map awareness
It’s inevitable for a Hardcarry to farm a lot, and risk of being ganked is also present. Always constantly view maps while farming to see whether there are missing heroes. Think about the missing heroes capability to kill you, if you think that they are capable enough, you should back immediately, if not, continue farming. Most Hardcarry will also needed in mid game clashes. Today’s Hardcarries like Chaos Knight or Naga Siren got nukes that will help in ganks / clashes. That’s why full farming the whole game is not really a good option for those heroes, you have to use them to their full potentials, including in ganks. You should be aware of the clashes’ possible positions, and head there without risk of being initiated first.
Semicarry farms early game and roam mid game (since the full potency of a Semicarry can be pulled out in mid game). It is positioned on solo lanes, either mid lane or side lane. A Semicarry needs level more than gold. Level’s necessary to execute ganks in mid game.
Accurate lasthitting
Semicarry is often positioned in a solo lane. When it’s a solo vs solo, you should farm well, since that you are equal in number advantage, compared to your opponent. Should it be a bad matchup against a better solo hero or against trilane, not farming is just fine. It’s better not to farm than dying and making solo lane unstable. 
Lane control
Semicarry should be able to dominate the lane, at least when having a bad hero matchup (i.e. facing trilane or stronger solo hero), Semicarry should not be killed for a waste and stable in getting exp. If it’s not possible to stay near creeps, it’s just fine to do tower hug, waiting enemy’s creeps to come to your tower. Lane balance is always the first priority. Farming is just second.
Creep control
Try to draw the enemy’s creeps closer to your tower for easier farm and exp. You may like to block your creeps, deny your own half-HP creeps, and last hit. Mind your creep balance to avoid fogs and uphills.
Map awareness
Remember, a solo has far less backup capability since supports are far away, making Semicarry the most vulnerable role to ganks. Always constantly view maps while farming to see whether there are missing heroes. Think about the missing heroes capability to kill you, if you think that they are capable enough, you should back immediately, if not, continue farming.
Ganking prowess
When you feel that you get a certain level of nukes necessary to gank (usually at level 6), observe and the other lanes. See the opponents who are most prone to ganks. Before going, try to push your lane. Reasons are, you farm faster on that stage, and your move to that other lane can’t be discovered because of the fog.

Supports are used to lane control, ganks, or clash assistance. They buy wards and couriers and do not require much gold to unleash their potentials. Support is commonly placed on trilane. Sometimes, duallane and roaming.
Wards are supreme in having vast map control. Although it costs gold, it is not that bad of an investment. Think about the ward you buy that will save someone from dying. It prevents the opponent from having 200 gold and your team losing 200 gold. Observer wards off 200 gold with 2 charges traded with a gank prevention which worth 400 gold (assuming you lose 200 gold and opponent gains 200 gold ) is not a bad idea.

The following picture shows you common locations of wards.

I will explain the logic of each ward placement.

Yellow : Placed on the high elevation land, making the visible area large. It’s used to see whether the neutrals are being farmed, whether someone is out from the bottom lanes and whether someone enters neutrals site from the ward site.
Brown : Placed on the intersection. Good for observing the neutral site to prevent ganks to lane.
Blue : Placed on pulling site. Sole purpose is to make the neutrals not showing, so that the opponent can’t pull.
Purple : Placed on the river end. It provides vision to determine who cross that point of lane.
Red : Placed on high elevation “island” near the rune site. It provides vision to rune, opponents going in to the neutrals site from the opening and to opponents trying to face Roshan. (Remember, they can blink in or use smoke to avoid you knowing, though)
Green : About the same like Red, but the vision is more focused to the intersection in Dire’s side.

Quote from JerokPower or 1331 or whatever (he frequently changes his username lol):
“Wards are also used when we are on the offensive and defensive stances.”

When on the offensive, wards should be placed in lanes to determine the positions of opponent’s heroes in a certain lane (called lane warding), so that the push will be easy, knowing that an opponent’s hero is not ready for clash. Plus, your push attempt can’t be ganked from flanks / rear easily with wards around you.
When on the defensive, try to place wards in places that the opponent’s heroes may hide. Especially when defending base, wards are extremely important. Let’s say, opponent got Sand King, ready to cast Epicenter and dagger straight in to the base. If there is no ward, you will get no clue as of when the Sand King will start casting.
Positioning in clash
Supports generally have no escape mechanisms. Plus, they have low HP (i.e. Crystal Maiden or Lich). That’s why correct positioning is highly essential since they got to execute everything almost perfectly. This is even more important for initiator support (i.e. Earthshaker or Tidehunter). The basic way of thought to achieve good positioning is, “Be on the spot where you can have access to nuke the opponent while giving cover the the team is also possible”.
Ganking prowess
Supports normally try to dominate lanes instead of going to other lanes, but it’s OK if the lane is already dominated and the Hardcarry is able to farm with ease. Supports should not be static in mid game. They should actively move across the fogs to gank. Don’t worry about gold, supports don’t need gold.
Lane control
Supports should try to flank opponents from sides or rear. This will scare the opponent not to go further in lane, especially when the opponent is soloing, with no backups available. This will make Hardcarry’s farm easier. When fighting enemy’s solo, the flank may be widen. Supports may hide in the woods to scare the opponent. When fighting enemy’s trilanes, the flank should be limited to the lanes’ right and left sides. Widening the flank just makes the side supports vulnerable to being killed because of low backup capability.
Creep control
As I have mentioned above, creep control is about drawing the enemy’s creeps closer to your tower for Carry’s farming ease. One of the supports, preferably melee one, should pull creeps to maintain creeps balance. Support staying in lane should start hitting self’s creeps which have half HP already, when self’s creeps is too forward. Blocking creeps is also necessary. Of course, not hitting opponent’s creeps continuously is also necessary, unless you are trying to push.

There are 2 types of pulls:
Single Pull
Pulling neutrals from 1 camp only. Although it may appears as if the opponent’s creeps will be advancing toward your tower, the truth is, the result will be your creeps advancing to their tower.Because of that, it serves as a pre-push setup. If it’s a little hard to comprehend, I think you should try by yourself. :D
Double Pull (Double Stack)
Pulling neutrals from 2 camps. This will remove 1 of your creeps wave completely. This type of push will result in opponent’s creeps advancing to your towers. This type of pull eases your Carry to farm and cancels your opponent’s heroes in getting exp.
Map awareness
Remember, a Support is the vital source of backups. That’s why you will need a constant TP (Town Portal) in your inventory. You are to get to the positions where and when you are needed in instant. Support should always present in clashes. Having low HP and no escape mechanisms, supports should be smart in hiding and to react fast to circumstances.

Source : Here

DotA Vs Life

The main reason of DotA addiction actually comes from peers pressure. Imagine, when you are on the middle of serious studying, a PING!!! or Buzz comes into your phone or messenger, with a word, “game”. This is the more reason for you me to teach you guys to avoid these temptations.

Academics Study Issues
“Pro DotA players suck at school” (Really?)All Posts
I don’t think so. Let me tell you a bit about myself. I am a renowned DotA player in my school, among lots of other players in my school, since that when I play, my team will always outplay them. But, at the same time, I rarely fail my exams.
 Why am I able to excel both DotA and studies? It’s because I don’t dare to neglect my studies. When there is an upcoming test in the next 3 days, I never even try to open my Steam.
When you play before you study, you will get tired at the moment you start studying. Furthermore, if you are losing, you will still be thinking about the game. The worst part is, when you lose, you tend to play one more game. WTF, when will you study then ?
When you play after you study, you will get tired too when you play, but for me this is not of a significant degree. I can play after I study. That’s a win-win solution for me. But according to some of my friends, playing after studying will reduce what they have memorized in the study. If you feel so, please don’t exert yourself playing.
 Playing All Night Issues
Playing all night will friends in a computer rental is extremely fun, but not really that fun for your health. Especially when tomorrow you got class, you will be more likely to sleep when you got lessons. I have experienced those feelings, when a scary teacher is teaching and my eyes are about to close and I insisted on opening them (it was also a result of DotA).
Aside from that, it may trigger illnesses such as, stress, emotional disorder, heart disease and diabetes. That’s why, play only on special occasions like when you are on a trip with your friends.

Source : Here

Antusiasme Besar Gamer Hadiri ‘NVIDIA Gaming Seminars’

Hari Minggu (13/1), bertempat di Level One Cyber Café – Binus Anggrek, Jakarta, NVIDIA menggelar sebuah acara bertajuk ‘NVIDIA Gaming Seminars’, yang diperuntukkan sebagai ajang sosialisasi deretan graphic cards terbaru dari GeForce GTX 600 series ke seluruh fans gamer pecinta produk NVIDIA di Indonesia. Setelah menyambangi kota Jakarta, acara serupa juga akan berlangsung di Bandung (19 Januari 2013, Digital Lounge) dan di Yogyakarta (24 Januari 2013, PLATINUM).

Bagaimanakah keseruan dan antusiasme para gamer di Jakarta menyambut sekaligus menguji performa produk anyar NVIDIA tersebut? Simak liputannya berikut ini.
Meski berembel-embel seminar, namun konsep acara kali ini tersaji secara santai dan nyaman bagi para gamer yang hadir di acara tersebut untuk dapat menyimak seluruh penuturan fitur maupun ragam keunggulan graphic cards GeForce GTX 600 series, yang disampaikan oleh Bapak Kris Ardianto, selaku Field Marketing Representative dari NVIDIA.
Dari sekitar 50 peserta yang hadir di ‘NVIDIA Gaming Seminars’, beberapa diantaranya pun tidak ragu untuk bertanya secara langsung berdasarkan pengalaman mereka sendiri sebagai pengguna produk NVIDIA agar dapat lebih optimal dalam pengimplementasiannya terkait game yang mereka mainkan, atau sekedar mengorek info lebih detil mengenai fitur-fitur terbaru GTX 600 series.
Selain dihadiri oleh sejumlah komunitas / clan gamer dari berbagai genre game populer, nampak pula salah satu ikon tim gamer girls asli Indonesia, yakni nXa-Lad1es, yang juga antusias mengikuti acara dan secara pribadi mengutarakan harapannya agar NVIDIA dapat terus memunculkan inovasi-inovasi baru untuk graphic cards maupun produk lainnya.
Puncak acara dari ‘NVIDIA Gaming Seminars’ sendiri adalah Mini-Tournament yang mempertandingkan DOTA 2 dan CoD: Modern Warfare 4, dimana peserta berkesempatan memenangkan hadiah graphic card ZOTAX GTX 650. Berikut ini adalah foto-foto suasana kompetisi yang terjadi sepanjang sesi Mini-Tournament.
Sebagai penutup tentunya pengumuman para pemenang dan pemberian hadiah. Dari Mini-Tournament DOTA 2, keluar sebagai juara pertama yakni tim Ritter Moest, diikuti oleh tim NxL DotA yang meraih runner-up, sementara juara ketiga diduduki oleh tim OTL. Pemenang kompetisi CoD: MW4 adalah eFox, sedangkan tim NxL, Level 1, dan nXa-Lad1es secara berurutan menduduki peringkat kedua, ketiga, dan keempat.
Juara 1 DOTA 2, Ritter Moest
Juara 2 DOTA 2, NxL DotA
Juara 3 DOTA 2, OTL
Juara 1 CoD: MW4, eFox
Juara 2 Cod: MW4, NxL
Juara 4 CoD: MW4, nXa-Lad1es

Source : Here

DotA Competitive Gaming Guide – Mindset Guide

Practice VS Play

“The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle” – Navy Seals Motto
A lot of people just want to play, play, and play without improving themselves in practice. This is happening because they underestimate the importance of practice. And that’s why they will stay noob for a longer time.

Practice as if you are a true noob
If you are to succeed in practicing, you have to concentrate on finding your weakness and fixing it. Many people believe they are pros already (in fact they are not), and practice with a mindset that they don’t need further improvement.

Play with confidence
After those sweats you make in practices, all you have to do is to pull out the full potency of yourself. Be proud of yourself, think of yourself being a pro player and don’t fear the opponents. One thing, don’t get too cocky, pros are never that cocky.

Watch Replays

Watching high level game replays
So, what can we learn? I think the story is very applicable to DotA. We copy someone’s playing style, and then we improve it.

Okay, back to the topic. Replays consist of 2 main essences, which we may learn from :
Strategy used :  include draft used and laning
Players movements : include what items are used, ganking and farming style
I recommend watching the same replay at least twice, first is to focus on the strategy used, and second, you choose a player to focus on (should be someone on the same roles with you, for example, you are a semicarry, you might want to see how a semicarry gank in midgame)

Watching self’s replays

Maybe you didn’t even bother saving your own replays (or simply watching them back in case you are playing DotA2). Now I tell you, that’s really important. After a game, whether you lose or win, you really should watch your own performance. When you are playing, you are too focused in the game, failing to understand your mistakes. When you watch your own replays, you just need to focus in telling what went wrong. I noticed that I play well in many games, but after watching my own performance, there is still a lot to improve.
Ask yourself:
Did I win in drafting, or did the opponents win? How ?
Where should I had positioned myself in teamfights?
(For a Hardcarry and Semicarry) Did I dominate the lane? Did I farm well?
(For a Support) Were my wards effective? Were my lane supports effective?
(For a Ganker) Were my timings good? Could the opponents see me coming early?
And stuffs..

3. Fail? Try Again

“If you shoot for the stars and hit the moon, it’s OK. But you’ve got to shoot for something. A lot of people don’t even shoot.” – Confucius

Failing is OK, giving up is not. Don’t follow the cat, it’s a total LOL.

Up until now, I still feel that frustrated feeling when I lost a game. Losing is a pain indeed, it’s just normal if you are unhappy with it. Great people did fail in their first life careers. You should analyze yourself, not to blame others too much. Perhaps they got their own portions of mistakes, but try to notice your mistakes as well. By noticing your own mistakes you are making one step closer to pro level. Try to use your disgust in losing as a motivation not to lose anymore, that will be your impulse to “rework” yourself.
Analyze the reason of your lost
There is a lot of factors contributing to a defeat, it might be drafting disadvantage, laning faults, poor positioning in teamfights, failure to dominate lanes, etc. Try to notice those mistakes.
Remember your mistakes, and make new strategy to test on your opponents. Test different adjustments until you succeed. That succeeding adjustment is usually invincible, since that you know why you use that strategy and what countermeasures are usually made to that strategy.

Play Competitive !

I found out that most people play -AP public games, which are usually extremely low leveled. It’s OK to play -AP if you are still a beginner, trying to play against others instead of bots. It’s a good way to earn confidence, though. But, you intermediate players got to improve yourself by trying to play -CM games. If you stick in -AP, you will not improve anymore.
-AP players common thoughts:
“I farm the whole game, my items are good, everyone praise me for my finished core items”
This is the reason why public games are usually contests of overfarming turtle style. The one who farms more, he wins the late game. Supports are usually not praised by their good lane supports, gankings, or positionings. All that matters is whether someone got good items or not. This is the main reason why public games are not growing. ZSMJ, a Chinese Hardcarry said, “I’d rather play a 4v5 game than having someone who want to show his mad farming skill by farming in the whole game.”
“My KDA is better than anybody else = I’m the pro player here”
I found out that low leveled players tend to make KDA as a parameter, whether a player is really good or not. THIS IS TOTALLY WRONG. KDA never serves as a parameter of someone’s skill. Think about this, a support which intentionally gives the kills to the Carry heroes, with a bad KDA, is the support low skilled? This KDA fever makes players tend to save their nukes and killsteal. They don’t respect different aspects such as good positioning in teamfights, warding, lane supporting of a player.
“5 carries, no support, so what?”
People playing -AP pick heroes they like, not heroes that can be put in a synergy. For example, a standard competitive game needs 2 Semicarries for solo lanes + 2 Supports and 1 Hardcarry for trilane. But -AP players don’t even think about roles, not to mention laning + strategy (It’s always turtle strat). Instead of trying Push / Gank strategy, all players tend to pick Carry heroes as if the game is a farming contest. Playing DotA needs some kind of artistic touch. It’s as if we are cooking, there is a variety of recipes. DotA also has a variety of synergies.
“Wards, sentries, courier, smokes? What for? They are waste of money”
OMG, do I even need to explain?
Wards – disable opponent’s ability to pull creeps, thus making them unable to control creeps flow
- prevent ganks
- rune visibility
- reveal opponent’s neutrals, so that we know whether they are doing neutral creeping
Sentries - invisible heroes arevery vulnerable if they are revealed, few nukes and they are dead
- in a clash, you got to know every of the opponent’s heroes positions to execute the fight
Courier – Dafuk, this is so self explanatory
Smokes – Supreme ganking advantage
- Backdoor advantage

Source : Here

DUALSHOCK 4 Revealed: Pushing the Boundaries of Play

Hi Everyone! It’s a special day at PlayStation, and I hope all of you had a chance to watch the livestream of PlayStation Meeting 2013 in New York, where we just unveiled PlayStation 4. One of the most exciting components of our next-generation platform is DUALSHOCK 4, the new wireless controller that combines with PlayStation 4 to deliver new gameplay experiences that have never been possible before.

I’d like to give you a tour of DUALSHOCK 4 and the features that will provide game developers the freedom to create brand new experiences that previously were limited to their imaginations.


DUALSHOCK 4 adopts the familiar form factor of the DUALSHOCK 3 wireless controller with some key enhancements:
  • Motion control is enabled by a new highly sensitive six-axis sensor
  • Dual analog sticks fine-tuned for better precision plus improved surface materials and shape for more delicate manipulation
  • L2/R2 buttons on the top of the controller employ a curved design for easier, smoother interaction
  • A new “Options” button combines the functions of the DUALSHOCK 3’s “Select” and “Start” buttons for operating in-game menus

New Ways to Play, Share and Connect

In addition to these features that build on the controls that you already know, DUALSHOCK 4 offers new features that enable new ways to play, a key part of the PS4 experience. One of the biggest innovations we’ve designed centers on the deep social interactions that will surround all games on PS4.

The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) has been enhanced in a number of ways, principally to allow for easier use of the GPU for general purpose computing (GPGPU) such as physics simulation. The GPU contains a unified array of 18 compute units, which collectively generate 1.84 Teraflops of processing power that can freely be applied to graphics, simulation tasks, or some mixture of the two.
PS4 is equipped with 8 GB of unified system memory, easing game creation and increasing the richness of content achievable on the platform. GDDR5 is used for this memory, giving the system 176 GB/second of bandwidth and providing a further boost to graphics performance.”

The “Share” button allows you to easily broadcast your gameplay in real-time through streaming sites such as Ustream, where fellow gamers can comment and even join your game in new ways. For example, if you’re stuck in a difficult level, your friends can offer health potions or special weapons that you can use during gameplay. You can also instantly upload images or video to Facebook by pressing the “Share” button. As both a developer and a gamer, I’m personally excited about the opportunity to get help from friends when facing a challenge, and I can’t wait to see what my friends are playing in real time along with videos of their favorite in-game moments.
On the front side of DUALSHOCK 4 is a light bar with LED that illuminate in various colors to match the color of the character in a game as a simple way to identify players. The colors can also provide useful information to players, such as when their character has taken damage during a game. DUALSHOCK 4 was developed alongside a second peripheral, a dual camera which can sense the depth of the environment in front of it and also track the 3D location of the controller via its light bar. The new camera incorporates four microphones capable of accurate sound detection and source origination, and it will support the PlayStation Move motion controller with more precision than ever before.

DUALSHOCK 4 also has a touchpad at the front of the controller as a new input method, offering more ways to interact with games. Additionally there’s a built-in speaker and headset jack to deliver high-fidelity sound effects from the games. A headset will be bundled with PS4, enabling gamers to chat with friends during online gaming and to hear sound effects from the controller.
There’s a lot built into DUALSHOCK 4, and the features were all thoughtfully designed with input from the development community (both our internal studios and third parties) and PlayStation gamers. Our goal was to give game creators an open canvas to express their ideas, and DUALSHOCK 4 combined with DUALSHOCK 4 will help us achieve the future of gaming that we at PlayStation see ahead of us.
What do you think? What’s your favorite new feature for DUALSHOCK 4?

Source : Here

Nintendo Wii U: Semua Hal yang Perlu Anda Ketahui!

Diperkenalkan sejak tahun 2011 silam, jalan Nintendo untuk membuat konsol teranyar mereka – Nintendo Wii-U untuk menarik perhatian gamer memang penuh dengan liku. Hampir setahun sejak pengumuman di ajang E3 2011 dan dengan waktu yang kian dekat dengan bulan rilis yang sudah ditentukan sejak awal, Nintendo masih menyimpan segudang misteri tentang konsol ini. Perasaan skeptis dan pesimis tentu saja menyelimuti gamer yang begitu mengantisipasi kehadirannya. Bahkan ajang E3 2012 tidak banyak memberikan informasi terkait konsol next-gen yang satu ini. Setelah penantian yang cukup lama, Nintendo akhirnya memilih bulan September sebagai waktu yang tepat untuk membuka tabir ketidakjelasan ini.
Nintendo menyelenggarakan dua press conference di dua pasar potensial terbesar mereka – Jepang dan Amerika Serikat. Tidak ada lagi yang disembunyikan, Nintendo berusaha memberikan gambaran sejelas-jelasnya tentang produk teranyar mereka. Mereka memperkenalkan game-game eksklusif yang mungkin akan menarik perhatian gamer, fitur dan fungsi yang selama ini masih menjadi tanda tanya, beberapa bagian spesifikasi, hingga harga dan tanggal rilis yang ditetapkan untuk masing-masing pasar tersebut. Ada pepatah yang menyatakan bahwa tidak kenal maka tidak sayang. Kami merangkum semua informasi yang tersedia untuk membantu Anda mendapatkan gambaran yang lengkap tentang Nintendo Wii-U. Tertarik atau tidak, ini tentu akan menjadi pilihan pribadi Anda selanjutnya.

Bundle Penjualan

Nintendo Wii-U akan tersedia dalam  dua varian utama:

  • Basic (Warna putih): Wii U console, 1 Wii U Gamepad, Sensor Bar, 8 GB SSD, HDMI Cable
  • Premium / Deluxe (Warna hitam): Wii U console, 1 Wii U Gamepad, Sensor Bar, 32 GB SSD, HDMI Cable, Charging Stand, Console Stand, Nintendo Land game disc

Spesifikasi Teknis

Walaupun sudah memperkenalkan beberapa spesifikasi untuk Nintendo Wii-U, Nintendo tidak secara terbuka mengungkapkan spesifikasi teknis untuk jeroan konsol generasi baru ini. Namun beragam spekulasi dengan source yang dapat dipercaya menyebar di dunia. Lantas, spesifikasi teknis apa yang sebenarnya ditawarkan oleh Nintendo Wii-U dan kontroler uniknya – Wii U Game Pad?

Wii U Console


  • CPU: IBM Power7-based multi-core processor
  • GPU: Custom AMD Radeon 7 Series (1080p graphics)
  • RAM: 2 GB (1 GB untuk games, 1 GB untuk sistem)
  • Storage: Basic: 8 GB SSD, Premium/Deluxe: 32 GB SSD (Expandables via SD memory cards / USB hard disk)
  • Game media: Optical disc-drive 12 cm. Capacity: 25 GB (kemungkinan besar Blu-ray)
  • Ports dan Peripheral capabilities: SD memory card, USB 2.0 parts (2 di depan, 2 di samping), Sensor Bar power port, AV Multi Out port, HDMI 1.4 port.
  • Video: 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 576i (PAL), 480p, 480i, standard 4:3 ataupun 16:9 widescreen.

Wii U GamePad


  • Built-in 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope and amagnetic sensor
  • Stereo Speakers and Microphone
  • Front-facing camera
  • IR Sensor strip
  • 6.2 inch (15.7 cm) 16:9 resistive touchscreen
  • Dua analog stick – satu D-pad
  • Stylus
  • Select, Start, Home and Power buttons
  • A/B/X/Y face buttons, L/R bumper buttons and ZL/ZR trigger buttons
  • Rumble
  • Controller sync button
  • Wireless communication with console based on IEEE 802.11n
  • NFC
Tidak hanya mampu terkoneksi dengan Wii U GamePad, Nintendo Wii U juga memiliki backward compability dengan peripheral Nintendo Wii: Wii Remote Plus, Wii Nunchuk, Classic Controller, dan Wii Balance Board.



  • Backward Compability
  • Tvii: Layanan terbaru yang memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan streaming video dari berbagai sumber seperti Hulu, Netflix, Youtube di Wii U GamePad Anda.
  • Stereoscopic 3D image
  • Miiverse: social network system yang terintegrasi di system menu. Anda dapat berinteraksi dengan user Wii U yang lain setiap saat melalui text maupun video.

Source : Here

Spesifikasi Teknis XBOX 720 “Durango” Bocor di Dunia Maya

Seperti yang sudah dapat diprediksikan sebelumnya, tahun 2013 memang akan menjadi tahun yang terhitung unik untuk industri game. Ketika software menjadi fokus  perhatian selama lima tahun terakhir ini, tahun 2013 menjadi pintu gerbang untuk persiapan menyambut kehadiran hardware generasi terbaru, termasuk dua konsol utama dari Sony dan Microsoft. Beragam rumor sudah muncul sejak tahun lalu, namun kian gencar menyambut waktu pengenalan yang diprediksikan akan dilakukan pada ajang E3 2013 mendatang. Salah satu sumber bahkan dengan percaya diri mengklaim bahwa mereka berhasil memperoleh informasi yang valid tentang konsol generasi terbaru Microsoft – XBOX 720 “Durango”. Benar sekali, kita membicara spesifikasi teknis yang ditawarkan.
Sebuah sumber informasi menyebar di dunia maya, dengan klaim datang dari dokumen teknis resmi Micrososft sendiri. Dokumen ini memberikan gambaran akan spesifikasi teknis yang akan ditawarkan oleh konsol XBOX 720 “Durango” yang rencananya akan diperkenalkan pada ajang E3 2013 mendatang. Durango akan datang dengan 8-core CPU x64 dengan clock 1,6 Ghz. Setiap CPU thread akan memiliki 32KB L1 cache untuk instruksi dan 32KB L1 untuk cache data. Setiap inti akan memiliki thread yang memiliki thread bebas tanpa harus membagi sumber daya, bahkan menangani dua instruksi per clock. Ia juga akan mengusung 8 GB DDR3 RAM, 32 MB SRAM, dan 6x Blu-Ray Drive. GPU nya sendiri akan mampu menjalankan DirectX 11.1 pada kecepatan inti 800mhz dan 12 inti shader yang menjalankan 768 thread. Beberapa fitur lainnya meliputi Kinect 2.0, HDMI 1.4a, 802.11n Wi-Fi, dan USB 3.0. Salah satu yang menarik adalah hadirnya komponen “Data Move Engines” yang masih menjadi misteri tersendiri.
 Skema inilah yang dipercaya sebagai spesifikasi utama XBOX 720 “Durango”. Bagaimana menurut Anda?

Dari beragam sumber yang ada dan konfirmasi yang dilakukan, data spesifikasi ini diyakini memang valid berasal dari tangan Microsoft. Sayangnya, data spesifikasi ini juga dipercaya sudah berumur lebih dari 9 bulan pada saat proses pengerjaan Durango ini baru saja dimulai. Dengan spesifikasi seperti ini, XBOX 720 “Durango” memang cukup kuat untuk menjalankan sebagian besar game baru saat ini dengan visualisasi yang pantas untuk diantisipasi. Apakah spesifikasi ini akan diadaptasikan di versi final Durango? Atau Microsoft telah menyempurnakannya? Kita tunggu saja ajang E3 2013 mendatang.

Source : Here

SimCity Berjalan Dengan Sangat Cantik

Banyak yang sudah penasaran dengan game ini dan ingin segera memainkannya. Sebelumnya berita tentang kedatangan game ini ke PC memang sudah banyak tersebar di media-media game. Dimana game tersebut dikabarkan sebelumnya akan hadir ke PC dan akan memasuki masa beta tester. Masa beta tester tersebut pun dimulai hari ini dan banyak sekali mendapatkan tanggapan-tanggapan menarik. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari banyaknya video yang diunggah ke You Tube untuk menunjukkan kepuasan setiap pengguna atas berjalannya game tersebut dengan baik.

Game ini sendiri sebenarnya baru akan dirilis pada tanggal 5 Maret 2013 nanti, namun rasa tidak sabar dari para penggemar sepertinya semakin meledak-ledak terlebih saat video yang ditunjukkan tersebut memang benar-benar memukau. Grafis berjalan dengan sangat baik, dan semua terlihat semakin dekat dengan dunia nyata, dan mungkin inilah game simulasi yang sesungguhnya, yang semakin dekat dengan dunia nyata. Kesungguhan publisher untuk tidak mengecewakan para penggemarnya pun memang benar-benar ditunjukkan dari video yang sudah ditampilkan tersebut.

Jika sebelumnya mereka menunjukkan rasa terimakasih mereka kepada setiap penggemar dengan cara mem-posting sebuah tulisan pada Twitter resmi SimCity, kali ini seorang kreatif direktur dari perusahaan mengunggah sebuah video pada Youtube dan menunjukan kalau sebuah gameplay dari game tersebut berjalan seperti Cheetah, atau dapat diartikan kalau game tersebut berjalan tanpa adanya lag sama sekali alias lancar jaya. Itu juga telah di-setting dengan kecepatan tertinggi dari game dan hasilnya memang memuaskan. SimCity berjalan dengan sangat memukau. Perusahaan tentu tetap mengharapkan masukan-masukan dari setiap penggemar yang mengikuti masa beta tersebut agar game ini dapat dikembangkan lagi, dan tentu menjadi lebih baik.

Source : Here
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